Archives for Октябрь 2015

Poll Shows Bombing ISIS Boosts Vladimir Putin’s Approval Rating To Record High

The Russian government is increasingly appealing to the social media generation through shareable videos of attacks on ISIS forces in Syria. And the strategy certainly hasn’t hurt the popularity of the Russian president.

MOSCOW --- Vladimir Putin’s popularity has reached an all-time high amid Russia’s recent attacks on ISIS forces in Syria, according to a recent poll. Targeting younger generations through social media seems to be a key part of the Russian president’s strategy. In addition to the widespread TV news coverage, the Russian government has

Mint Press, Anti-Media, Counter Current News, And Others Implied To Be On Assad’s Payroll

The implication is buried in a rant that bemoans the named outlets’ habit of criticizing US efforts for regime change.

Islamic State fighter with US-made M4.

Minneapolis, Minnesota (TFC) – The Minnesota-based StarTribune ran commentary that implied a list of alternative sites were on the payroll of the regime of President Assad of Syria. The implication is buried in a rant that bemoans the named outlets’ habit of criticizing US efforts for regime change. It uses language stating that the outlets

Video: Fox News Freak-Out After Geraldo Defends Iran Deal

Geraldo made waves by saying Iranians had legitimate reasons to be upset with America, and that he is ‘praying’ for the success of the nuclear deal, a conclusion far too logical for the Fox News ilk.

Breakthrough? Iran Accepts Invite For Syria Peace Talks With US, Russia

Though no Syrian delegation will attend, discussions in Vienna could advance possibility for diplomatic solution to armed conflict

John Kerry, Javad Zarif Iran US feature photo

In what could be a diplomatic breakthrough, Iran on Wednesday accepted an invitation to participate in multilateral Syria peace talks in Vienna, marking the first time the country will engage in such a summit that includes the United States, Russia, and other powers. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and a "high-ranking diplomatic

Activist Group Secretly Records Tyson Foods Workers Punching, Throwing And Pulling Heads Off Of Live Chickens At Mississippi Plant

Both Tyson’s and McDonald’s expressed concern about what was seen in the video footage, and Tyson’s announced severed its relationship with the farm.

Screenshot from Tyson Caught on Hidden Camera Ripping Heads Off Live Animals taken by Mercy for Animals.

(USA TODAY) -- An anti-animal cruelty group says it has secretly recorded Tyson Foods workers punching, throwing and pulling the heads off of live broiler chickens at one of the mega meat producer's plants in Mississippi where up to 2.5 million chickens are slaughtered each week. Vandhana Bala, a lawyer for the group Mercy for Animals, which

Washington’s Syria «Strategy» In Complete Disarray As «Ally» Turkey Bombs US-Armed Rebels

This has become so convoluted and self-defeating that one wonders how long it will be before someone in Congress decides it’s time to take a look at exactly what’s going on here and why it seems like this entire debacle is simply too bad to be true.

A left-wing protester prepares to hurl a petrol bomb in the direction of Turkish police

A little over a week ago in “Full Metal Retard: US Launches ‘Performance-Based’ Ammo Paradrop Program For Make-Believe ‘Syrian Arabs’” we outlined what is perhaps the most hilarious Pentagon scheme designed to arm rebels in Syria to date (and that’s saying something). Following the comical demise of the latest “train and equip” program, the US